Nahyun Kwon

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Ph.D. student, Computer Science, HCIED (HCI Engineering & Design) Lab @ Texas A&M University.

Human-Computer Interaction, Interactive System, Human-AI Collaboration, Human-in-the-Loop
I design & develop AI-powered interactive systems to make technologies and visual information more understandable and accessible for people.


1/2024 My first CHI paper, AccessLens has been accepted to CHI'24.
12/2023 I am attending NeurIPS'23, presenting our poster, Multi-view instance detection.
9/2023 3DPFIX paper has been accepted at CSCW'24!
8/2022 An interview post about my internship experience at Megagon Labs has been posted!
6/2022 I am joining Megagon Labs as a summer research intern!
5/2022 I am attending CHI 2022 as SV!
4/2022 I attended Grad Cohort for Women and met several good peer researchers there :) Miss you my friends!
10/2021 Gave paper presentation for our work, 'Multi-ttach', at SCF'21
9/2021 One paper accepted to SCF'21
6/2021 Summer Internship at George Mason University, advised by Dr. Ray Hong
1/2021 One workshop paper accepted to TExSS'21 (Workshop on IUI'21)
1/2021 One paper accepted to Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS)


AccessLens: Auto-detecting Inaccessibility of Everyday Objects

Nahyun Kwon, Qian Lu, Muhammad Hasham Qazi, Joanne Liu, Changhoon Oh, Shu Kong, Jeeeun Kim

A High-Resolution Dataset for Instance Detection with Multi-View Object Capture

Qianqian Shen, Yunhan Zhao, Nahyun Kwon, Jeeeun Kim, Yanan Li, Shu Kong

3DPFIX: Improving Remote Novices' 3D Printing Troubleshooting Experience through Human-AI Collaboration (2024)

Nahyun Kwon, Tong Sun, Yuyang Gao, Liang Zhao, Xu Wang, Jeeeun Kim*, Ray Hong* (*corresponding authors)
CSCW'24. To appear

Multi-ttach: Techniques to Enhance Multi-material Attachments in Low-cost FDM 3D Printing (2021)

Nahyun Kwon*, Himani Deshpande*, Md Kamrul Hasan, Aryabhat Darnal, and Jeeeun Kim (*equally contributed)
In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication (SCF'21)

3D4ALL: Toward an Inclusive Pipeline to Classify 3D Contents (2021)

Nahyun Kwon, Chen Liang, and Jeeeun Kim
In Proceedings of the TExSS'21 (Workshop on IUI'21)
arXiv | PDF

Touch Screen Exploration of Visual Artwork for Blind People (2021)

Dragan Ahmetovic, Nahyun Kwon, Uran Oh, Cristian Bernareggi, and Sergio Mascetti
In Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021

Supporting a Crowd-powered Accessible Online Art Gallery for People with Visual Impairments: A Feasibility Study (2021)

Nahyun Kwon, Yunjung Lee, and Uran Oh
Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS)
Video | Springer Link | PDF

Supporting Object-level Exploration of Artworks by Touch for People with Visual Impairments (2019)

Nahyun Kwon, Youngji Koh, and Uran Oh
In Proceedings of ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS'19). Poster Session.